2022, Dec. 20th
Eleonora Brizi was interviewed by Shivani Mitra, director and co-founder of Museum of Crypto Art, for this week’s episode of DXM POD.
DXM pod is a weekly podcast hosted by Colborn Bell of the Museum of Crypto Art and DMINTI. Each week DXM explore the intersections of fine art and NFTs in the context of Web3 experiences and their promises for future creativity. 

In this episode, Eleonora Brizi retraces her experience in China at the studio of the artist Ai Weiwei, who brought her closer to that need for freedom of expression that she found in the Crypto Art space. She also talks about what it means to be a woman in the space, as well as the importance for artists, curators, collectors and every player in the Crypto Art space to take responsibility in keeping “the Promise” of a decentralized creative world.


As well as the chance to write history in a distributed way, through the use of the blockchain and its timestamp function, certifying the different points of view, diverse perspectives and feelings of more people around the world.